
The life and adventures of robinson crusoe
The life and adventures of robinson crusoe

the life and adventures of robinson crusoe

This is one of those books that really serves to remind a modern audience of why we should kill. I love Robinson and Friday as if they were a real life father and brother.īTW - There is an audio recording by Ron Keith that is spectacular. Rich detail, gripping plot, profound character development, insightful meditations, and the meeting of two radically different worlds in Robinson and the cannibals. This is, hands down, my favorite novel of all time. A book with only action would be boring to me (not to mention corny, e.g. And the action is much more exciting when it comes after the calm. People who think this book is boring probably think hikes through majestic mountains or quiet afternoons in a beautiful garden are boring.

the life and adventures of robinson crusoe

I'm repulsed by Homer's beliefs but I know his works deserve to be classics. You don't have to agree with Defoe's worldview and religious beliefs to like the book. It's really sad that people judge books from the 17th century from their 21st century politically-correct perspective.

The life and adventures of robinson crusoe