
Gaza Blues by Etgar Keret
Gaza Blues by Etgar Keret

Gaza Blues by Etgar Keret

Keret and El-Youssef are bridging a ferociously bitter divide by stripping it back to the quiet fact that we, all of us, are human. The political situation necessarily imprints itself on the characters who live in an atmosphere of entrenched tension but essentially these are stories about people, not politics. The authors decided to write Gaza Blues in 2002 as a response to one of the most violent periods of conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, yet the conflict rarely plays a direct role in their stories.

Gaza Blues by Etgar Keret Gaza Blues by Etgar Keret

A collection of short fiction, the book is the result of a collaboration between Israeli writer and filmmaker Etgar Keret and Palestinian writer and critic Samir El-Youssef. Gaza Blues: Different Stories is an arresting whirr of energy and inventiveness, its brevity removing nothing from its impact.

Gaza Blues by Etgar Keret